〜Faith and patience are the key〜
keywords : homeoapthy for dermatitis, homeopathy for eczema, atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, allergic dermatitis, chronic dermatitis, chronic urticaria, housewife's eczema, and psoriasis
Skin symptoms are frequently treated with homeopathy.
The term "dermatitis" encompasses various diagnoses, including atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, allergic dermatitis, chronic dermatitis, chronic urticaria, housewife's eczema, and psoriasis.
In some cases, symptoms such as itching, swelling, sores, and cracks can lead to sleep deprivation causing irritability, depression, and a loss of physical and emotional balance.
As a pharmacy worker, I often receive inquiries about dermatitis. However, since pharmacies cannot provide ongoing support to individual customers, we recommend they consult with a homeopath who can prescribe a personalised prescription for dermatitis.
In my profession, individuals often seek my advice regarding their skin-related conditions.
This time, we will talk about ``dermatitis'' and homeopathy.

#1 Every person has a different background and reason to see a homeopath
When people come to a consultation, they often mention the following,
"I have used steroid cream and got better, but the symptoms come back again."
"I have used medication for a long time, but I don’t want to use them anymore."
"I have used medication and the symptoms have subsided, but I wonder if I can use it forever."
"I am interested in discovering a natural method for healing my skin."
Many individuals have shown interest in trying out homeopathy for their skin issues.
As mentioned before, even if a diagnosis is given, the physical appearance of dermatitis varies from person to person, and the prescribed remedies will differ greatly based on the individual's physical, emotional and mental state. This means that even if two people have the same diagnosis, the prescription will be unique for each person.
#2 The skin is your “boundary”
The skin is the largest organ in the body.
It acts like a shield for the entire body, protecting important organs such as muscles and internal organs. The skin regulates body temperature, and senses through the sense of touch, and plays a crucial role in our sense of touch.
Babies also feel love from their parents through physical contact, and the lack of it can cause feelings of loneliness and deprivation.
Touch is also where we remember trauma and past fears. Some people may not like or feel uncomfortable being touched.
The phrase “thick-skinned” is used to mean not showing one’s complexion, but it can also be used to mean shameless, brazen, insensitive, and inhuman.
Moreover, many emotional expressions refer to the skin.
Blushed - to blush and feel ashamed
Break out in cold sweat - To be nervous, to feel nervous, to say that you don't feel at ease
Becoming pale - Refers to the colour of one's face in blood-curdling situations with fear
I get goosebumps - Goosebumps appear on the skin due to cold or fear
The skin is the boundary between the outside world and your body.
What is it that threatens your emotions, that invades your most important realm?
During a homeopathic consultation, we will explore the root of the causes and select remedies that match the characteristics.
#3 How long does it take?
If you have never tried homeopathy, you may ask this question. However, the healing process is individual and it is important to work together with a homeopath. The period is depending on their condition.
Moreover, the recovery time of the dermatitis may be related to the individual conditions as follows.
How long have you suffered from?
How much have you used medications?
How old (related to the turnover of the skin: metabolism)
Stress level /emotional health
If you have chronic dermatitis rather than a recent one, the treatment time can vary from 6 months to several years, even if you have sessions with a homeopath every 4-8 weeks.
Human skin undergoes a turnover cycle of approximately 28 days. Therefore, it takes time for new skin to emerge from underneath, for the regeneration of beautiful skin to be completely completed, and for the results to be visible.
#4 Faith and patience
For people with dermatitis, it is important to have faith in continuing homeoapthic support and the patience to wait or complete skin rejuvenation.
Lifestyle habits, thought patterns, and mood fluctuations are integral factors. The client's positive feelings and attitudes, such as making lifestyle changes and altering thought patterns, significantly influence the condition.
Depending on the situation, my role is to prescribe remedies not only for physical symptoms but also to support the client's emotional well-being.
Building a trusting relationship between the client and the homeopath is crucial, especially as dermatitis can have a significant impact on the collaboration.
While this holds for other symptoms as well, individuals often endure dermatitis for many years, making it important to persevere through the journey.
#5 How can homeopathy help dermatitis?
During homeopathic consultation, we carefully evaluate your skin symptoms, emotional patterns, stress levels, and lifestyle habits, and then recommend remedies that are suitable for your condition.
In terms of lifestyle habits, I might recommend temporary supplements or provide advice on eating habits, daily routines, and emotions.
For chronic symptoms, it is highly advisable to seek consultation with a homeopath who can prescribe a remedy tailored to your individual needs.
Pharmacies often stock the following remedies for temporary relief of itching.
The remedy is made from honey bees. Swelling occurs when you are stung by a bee, so it is a good idea to use it to treat symptoms such as itching, fever, and swelling of the skin. It can also be used when you experience swelling due to allergies.
Urtica Urens
Stinging Nettle Remedy. When the swelling is not as bad as Apis, but the itching is severe.
Arsenicum Album
It can be used when the skin becomes irritated or burning sensation due to itching.
Itching, redness, burning sensation and allergic types from the dermatitis.
Rhus Tox
urticaria, hives, red, swollen, intensely itching, blister-like vesicles that break open and crust over.
eczema with deep cracks of the skin with yellow or honey-like discharge.
deep cracks in skin folds, dirty, hard, rough skin. Thick green crusts, burning and itching, redness, bleeding. for someone who works with hands using chemicals (hairdressers etc.)
Calc Sulph Tissue Salts
This tissue salt cleanses the blood. This mineral is found in the liver and removes unnecessary substances from the body by cleaning the blood.
Please note
Sulphur is the most common remedy for eczema, such as dried, flaky, red, swollen, burning itching skin. However, we do not prescribe it in the pharmacy, because it causes a healing crisis in most cases after taking this remedy, and people do not know how to deal with it. It is better to be prescribed by your homeopath with a full consultation.
#6 Conclusions …
Dealing with dermatitis requires persistence.
"People who are currently using homeopathy"
"People who are thinking of using homeopathy from now on"
"People who tried homeopathy but are about to give up"
It's important to continue treatment based on these factors.
Hopefully, this blog can provide hope and encouragement to people suffering from dermatitis.

The secret is:
The skin is the largest organ in the body. It's important to be mindful of what is absorbed and excreted through the skin. Choosing products that are gentle on the skin and free from harmful chemicals for your body, skincare, and cleaning needs, as well as opt for clothing made from natural materials like cotton.
Engaging in moderate exercise and sweating can help eliminate unnecessary substances from the body through the skin. Additionally consider soaking in the bath and using Epsom Salt to aid in the removal of toxins through the skin.
If you are interested in the detox, please read this blog.
At Hiroko Homeopathy, we also provide homeopathic consultations tailored to individual skin conditions.
If interested, please look at our service details using the button below.
Click this button for details on consultation.
Click here to book an online consultation.
Love and gratitude
Reference :
・Your Body Speaks Your Mind, Deb Shapiro. Piatkus Books Reprinted 2008
#hirokohomeopathy #homeopathy #dermatitis #naturaltherapy #healnaturally #contactdermatitis #homeopathyforskin #homeopathyfordermatitis #atopicdermatitis #psoriasis #dryskin #housewifedermatitis