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How Does EMF Radiation Affect Your Health?


In our modern lives, we always do things in a hurry and live at a fast pace. In order to cope with this, opportunities to use electrical appliances and the Internet have increased, and people have become unable to do without their computers and mobile phones, both at work and in their private lives.

Although it is convenient to receive a reply quickly and search for and find a solution right away, it seems that more and more people are becoming sick if they are constantly exposed to these electromagnetic waves.

keywords : EMF health risks, Radiation remedies, reduce EMF exposure, radiation protection, homeopthic remedies and radiation, homeoapthic remedies and EMF radiation, Flower essences and EMF

#1 -  Here to talk a little about a wave called radiation

Radiation can be broadly divided into non-ionizing radiation, which refers to Wi-Fi and electromagnetic waves, and ionizing radiation, which is radiation used in X-rays, atomic bombs, and nuclear power generation.

Although the symptoms affected by these radiations are wide-ranging, it is said that the symptoms are similar for both types of radiation.

#2 -  Symptoms

Auditory - earaches, tinnitus

Cardiovascular - chest pains, cold extremities etc

Cognitive - confusion, difficulty in learning new things, lack of concentration, memory impairment

Dermatological - brown sun spots, facial flushing

Emotional - anger, anxiety, depression

Gastrointestinal - digestive problems

Musculoskeletal - aches, pains cramps tensions

Neurological - dizziness, headaches, numbness

And more.

#3 -  Many causes/ triggers and synergistic effects are considered, but here are the main ones:

- stress

When your body weakens due to stress, your immune system also decreases, making you more susceptible to illness.

- chemicals

It is said that if a chemical is affected by electromagnetic waves, the symptoms will be more likely to occur in the body.

- Metal medical instruments and dental amalgam

When metal is embedded in your body, it acts as an antenna and makes you more susceptible to electromagnetic waves.

- Rain

It is also said that when it rains or there is high humidity, the temperature decreases and the density of the air increases, which increases sensitivity to electromagnetic waves.

#4 - Countermeasure

The primary countermeasure is to minimise exposure to electromagnetic waves. One possible approach is to use paint containing metal, aluminium foil, or a net made of metal thread on the windows. It's especially important to keep your bedroom as far away from electromagnetic waves as possible and to avoid placing mobile phones in that area.

Moreover, if you have amalgam fillings, it's advisable to consider their removal. Reports are suggesting that probiotics, kinesiology, homeopathy, herbal remedies, and other alternative treatments may be beneficial.

#5 - Characteristics of radiation-sensitive people

It is said to be more common in people who work long hours in areas with high electromagnetic waves, people who are exposed to chemicals, and people who are affected by viruses and bacteria, especially in the northern hemisphere.

Seasonally, it seems to be more susceptible to winter. People with idiopathic or allergic diseases are said to be particularly susceptible to developing the disease.

Moreover, children's skulls are thinner than adults' and more susceptible to the effects of EMF radiation. Please consider this when using these devices around children.

It is best to avoid it as much as you can, but the good news is many homeopathic remedies can help and support these conditions. There are a lot of remedies, but we will learn some main ones here.

#6 - Homeopathic remedies for symptoms affected by radiation

There are many remedies made from radiation which you are affected by. Alternatively, some remedies are good for radiation, like from shock to the body.

Radium Bromatum

The remedy derived from Radium Bromide is frequently utilised after medical examinations involving X-rays.


The remedy is derived from an X-ray. It is often utilised following medical examinations involving X-rays.


The remedy is derived from sunlight. Various pharmacies offer different versions, like Sol Britannica (sunlight in Britain), Sol Africana (sunlight in Africa), and Sol Australianus (sunlight in Australia). You can select one based on the occasion.


The remedy is made from electricity, the electric current.

WiFi Radiation

The remedy is made from WiFi radiation.

5G Scanner

the remedy made from the radiation from the 5g scanning machine (at the airport)

Electro Magnetic Combination

The remedy is created from a combination of Wifi radiation, mobile phones, microwaves, and similar sources.

Mobile Phone (1800Hz)

The remedy is derived from mobile phone radiation and is used to address symptoms caused by it.

Blue Light (Sunlight Blue)

The solution is derived from blue light. We face significant challenges when looking at screens for extended periods. It is beneficial for symptoms caused by exposure to blue light.


This remedy is commonly applied for injuries, bruises, and shock resulting from trauma, but it is also utilised when the body experiences a significant impact. Radiation exerts a strong effect on the body.


This remedy is derived from the gemstone, Emerald. It serves as a primary anti-radiation treatment and should be considered for individuals who do not respond to the recommended remedies, as this may indicate an excessive retention of radiation in the person.

If you ask homoeopathic pharmacies, they stock various radiation combinations.

If you want to know how to choose potency and dose in homoeopathy, please click here.

Additionally, these flower essences help, too.

Mulla Mulla (Bush Flower Essences)

Mulla Mulla Essence aids in recovering from emotional trauma related to burns, heat, or fire, and helps those uncomfortable with fire, possibly from past life experiences. It is also used for burns from radiation.

Electro Combination (Bush Flower Essences)

Electro Essence Remedy Drops alleviate discomfort from earth, electrical, and electromagnetic radiation, promoting balance and restoring harmony.

Energy Shield (Findhorn Flower Essences)

Energy Shield Combination Essence is designed to shield you from energy that might negatively impact you, whether from other individuals or specific situations. It also offers protection against radiation.

To learn about Tautopathy, please click the button to read the blog.

#7 - Conclusions...

Due to the uncertainty and possible risks, it is recommended to reduce unnecessary EMF radiation exposure by using wired internet connections, keeping devices away from the body, and switching off wireless devices when not in use, especially in sleeping areas.

The secret is:

Devices such as mobile phones and computers have become an essential part of modern daily life. However, once you set a usage time and have used the device for a certain period, you should step away from the device and take time to avoid interacting with electromagnetic waves.

We also recommend grounding and earthing your body to return your body to its natural rhythm.

If you are interested in the "Let's Do a Grounding" blog, please click the button below.

If you want to know what happens when you have a consultation, please click the button below.

At Hiroko Homeopathy, we also provide homoeopathic consultations tailored to individual conditions.

If interested, please look at our service details using the button below.

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Love and gratitude



Bevington. M., (2013) Electromagnetic Sensitivity and Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity A Summary. New Edition. Capability books. London.

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