Potency. This is a unique thing in homeopathy. Higher is better? It is not working that way. Here will be explained what you need to know about potency.
Keyword : potency, homeopathy, strength, how to choose potency, dosage, duration, minumum dose, proving

When I work at the homeopathic pharmacy and ask customers "Which potency do you want to buy?", people answer "Please make the strongest potency". But homeopathy does not work like that. Because the potency is not strong or weak. Each potency has its job to do.
I am explaining here about the "potency".
Tip #1 - Dilutions and succussions
Potency is based on the dilutions and succussions.
X (D or DH in some areas): this is one in ten dilution.
C (CH in some areas): this is one in a hundred dilution
LM potency: This is one in 50,000 dilutions.
When making remedies, the remedy is succussed in each process of dilution. This process makes unique frequencies of the remedy.
When you see H or K after the C, for example, 30CH or 1MK. This "H" stands for the Harnemannian Method using a new container for each dilution. it is described in the picture below.

The "K" stands for the Korsakovian method of using a single container for a series of dilutions. This method is used in the machine for making higher potencies.
You don't need to worry about these when you purchase remedies. This only shows how to dispense the remedies.
Tip #2 - Are your symptoms physical or emotional?
In general, lower potencies are used for physical symptoms and higher potencies are used for mental/ emotional symptoms.
This means the same remedy with different potency works in individual ways.
When you choose a potency, you should think about the symptoms used for physical or emotional conditions.
Most remedy kits from homeopathic pharmacies use 30c and 200c. The 30c is the most commonly used for general home care sets and the 200c is the more intense conditions like Accident and Emergency, and Childbirth kits.
It is said that the 30c is covered with both physical and emotional symptoms and it is easily used in both conditions.
The most commonly used potencies are as follows,
3X, 6X, 9X, 12X, 3C, 6C (European people use 5C, 7C, 9C), 12C, 18C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M, 50M, CM, MM
Some particular remedies use specific potencies which are not listed above.
In between potencies will be charged extra. Please ask the pharmacies about it.
Tip #3 - Intensity
Another key is the intensity. When you have an acute condition such as a cold, injury, or something that happens suddenly, you can choose higher potency.
For example, when you have an accident or injury, there is a big shock and impact on your body. When you have such an intensity in the symptoms, higher potency works well.
Tip #4 - How is your energy level?
When you choose the potency, you should consider your energy level, too.
In general, the baby is bouncing energy and they can respond to higher potency well. Because they have the energy to accept and process the high frequency.
On the other hand, elderly people may not respond with higher potencies, because they are often tired and lower energy.
For example, when elderly people are in bereavement and they are very lethargic from shock, lower potency works well. Because they don't have enough energy to respond to the remedies. I know it is an emotional condition but think about the person's energy, too.
To sum up,
Low potency
Remedies with potencies like 3X, 6X, 9X, and 3C are considered very low. They operate on a basic physical or material level, directly impacting cellular and biochemical levels. Low potencies, ranging from 12X, 6C, to 12C, target specific tissues and entire organs, such as the skin, liver, or heart. Generally, low potencies are effective for a short duration, and work well when vitality is low, or when there are many obstacles to healing, such as conventional drugs, steroids, and suppressive creams.
If you want to know about "obstacles to cure", please click the button below.
Medium potency
A medium potency, represented by 30C, is commonly available and frequently used. Medium potencies have the ability to impact the entire organ system.
High potency
High potencies such as 200C and 1M significantly affect the body's metabolic, hormonal, nervous, and immune systems, as well as an individual's emotional and psychological profile. Extremely high potencies like 10M, 50M, and CM can influence deeper mental and physical aspects, including genetic predispositions and spiritual directions. They are suitable for individuals with strong vitality and intense acute cases.
Tip #5 - Form
Remedies are sold in various forms.
Tablets: Hard tablet-shaped, usually made of lactose and sugar.
Pillues: They are shaped like round balls and are made of sugar. There are various sizes Tritulation: Also called Soft Tablet. It is a soft pill made from lactose.
Granules: Granules made of sugar
Powders: Lactose powder, usually prescribed in single packets
Liquid Potencies: Made from 23% or 10%alcohol, take the prescribed number of drops in your mouth or with a spoon.
LM Potencies: Made from 10% alcohol, take the prescribed number of drops in your mouth or with a spoon.
Some pharmacies make Liquid Remedy using only water. Please ask your pharmacy. However, please note that the shelf life is short as it only contains water.
Tip #6 - Dosage and duration
When you decide which potency to take, you need to know "How often" and "How long?" to take remedies.
Homeopathy is a vibrational medicine. The amount is not important. If you are big or small, the dose is the same. The same dose is from a newborn baby to an adult.
If you take a whole bottle or 1 tablet, the effect is the same. Each homeopath prescribes slightly differently, but in general, 1 pill/tablet/ drop is one dose.
The frequency (How often) is the key. Normally, lower potency is used more often and higher potency is given less often because the higher potency can hold the energy longer if you have enough vital force to deal with the chosen potency.
When you prescribe it for self-care or acute conditions, the key is the intensity of the symptoms. For example, if you suffer from high temperature, cold or hay fever, the symptoms are intense. You can take it frequently like every 2 hours or 6 hours etc.. But this is just for up to a day until the symptoms calm down.
Once the symptoms are relieved, you can stop taking the remedies and observe the symptoms. You don't need to take anymore, because the remedy is still working and having a minimum dose is very important when using homeopathy.
I am explaining about it below.
Tip #7 - Just one caution with the Proving
When you think of "wrong" potency and it does not seem to work, please stop taking the remedy. Because the Proving may happen.
Proving is symptoms like a remedy picture. If you keep taking it, the symptoms of the remedy appear. If you are self-prescribing, then you feel better, please stop and observe.
(except your homeopath's prescription. Please stick to the directions from your homeopath's prescription).
This is called the "Law of minimum dose". Please do not forget this rule.
If you would like to know about the basic rules of homeopathy, please visit the Frequently Asked Questions page.
Tip #8 -What might happen after a remedy is taken.
There are a number of things that might happen after you have taken the remedy for acute conditions.
1. Nothing changes
If you don’t see any changes at all in your symptoms, please, take another dose of the remedy.
If you have taken three doses then please change the remedy to another. And repeat the process.
2. The symptoms stop and then return after a while.
If this happens then please repeat the remedy again. If you have taken 3 doses of the remedy then you need to go higher in potency with the same remedy.
3. The symptoms stop and don’t return.
Please stop the remedies and wait
4. The symptoms change.
You need to check a detailed account of the new symptoms because it is likely you will either need to change the remedy, stop the remedy or go higher in potency. You cannot decide which is most appropriate until you know how your body reacts and you can observe the new symptoms.
Are you ready?
I hope this description helps you to choose the potency. Please consider the above tips, and you then decide the potency to use.
To sum up, after selecting the appropriate remedy with the right potency, please observe the symptoms.
When there are no reactions, reassess the remedy and potency
The remedy is working but worn out very quickly, take it more often (intense conditions like fever every 2 hours etc.) or consider higher potency
When you see the reaction, please don’t take it anymore and wait until the response has finished.
When symptoms change, change the remedy
If you use homeopathy at home or with family, you can try different potencies and discover which potency works better.
I believe learning from the experience is a great way to understand the potency. Homeopathy is not harmful. If you choose the wrong potency, it does not work. That's it.
But please remember that you can not continue a wrong potency for a long time. Because Proving may happen.
Happy using homeopathy!
If you are interested in how to care for homeopathic remedies, please click the button below for more details.
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Love and gratitude
Reference :
Hershoff. A. (2000) Homoeopathic Remedies A Quick and Easy Guide to Common Disorders and Their Homeopathic Treatments. Avery. New York. the USA.