In Japan, we say "Illness comes from mind", I am writing about the relation between "mind" and "symptom" underlying your condition and tips for how to write your journal.
Keywords: keeping a journal, self-discovery, true feeling, acceptance, realisation, love yourself, faith, trust
In Japan, we say "Illness comes from mind", "mind" and "symptom" are deeply related to each other.
It is also said, "Your body speaks your mind".
In a holistic way of thinking, when you cannot express your feelings, sometimes your body shows your emotions through the symptoms.
This was written in a newsletter (in Japanese) on 28th September 2022, and I decided to upload it here, too.
I was suffering from acne from my teenage to mid-30s. When I started a homeopathic treatment, I suddenly wanted to scream.
I realised that that feeling was suppressed in my heart for a long time. After some sessions with a homeopath, the acne on my face all disappeared.
In my case, the acne on my face expressed my suppressed emotion instead.
Of course, when people have acne, the roots are individual and caused by various situations.
To understand the relationship between emotion and symptoms, I recommend to my clients to keep a journal.
After talking to your homeopath or after taking remedies, you may notice your change of feelings or realisation. It is important to write down before you forget. It is also you spot more when you take it down.
Keeping a journal is a key to rediscovering yourself by observing, and understanding yourself from different perspectives.
When you get used to recording your feelings, you may witness your emotional patterns, reactions, habitual thoughts and emotions.
Maybe you don't say your opinions to avoid friction or confrontation with others between friends, partners or family.
If you are getting used to this situation, people ask you "What do you want?", then you cannot think of your true feelings or wish.
Or you keep yourself busy, then you avoid thinking about your true feelings and losing yourself.
When you write "what you notice" and "what you are thinking", this process helps you to realise your true desires.
When you have repetitive thoughts and are busy in your head, it is a good idea to let these all out and mark them down.
The best time is when you just wake up in the morning. While you are sleeping, many thoughts are processed or you dream something. Dreams may be related to your subconscious mind and it helps you discover some important things.
Self-realisation is one of the great ways to heal yourself. When you have already tried different therapies, this exacerbates the healing process.
In a book called "Dr Bach's Flower Remedies, tapping into the positive emotional qualities of the Chakras", the authors explain very well how to keep a journal in the chapter "Journal keeping with the remedies".
I write seven tips with a description here.
Tip #1 - Use a proper notebook
For keeping the continuity, don't write down memos or loose papers. If you have to use the edge of envelopes or scribbles temporarily, please keep them for later.
When I find cute or decorative notebooks, I buy them for my journal. If I have something special, it motivates me to write it with excitement.
Tip #2 - Date every entry
It is important to record the date.
When you look back, it is easier to understand your emotional change and process in chronological order.
Tip #3 - Do not push yourself hard
If you push yourself to do it "every day", it is difficult to keep going when you are unable to do so.
You should not work too hard on it, you need to be more relaxed at your own pace.
I keep my journal when I notice my feelings or realisations, when I have intense dreams, or when I do meditation and see something.
Tip #4 - Write about how you feel
If you write down "what happened", it is a diary.
Of course, you can note what happened, but let's also keep "what you feel and realise".
Tip #5 - Write about what you want
It is important to clarify "what you want?", it is also essential to explain "Why do you want to do it?" and "Why do you want to get it?"
When you think deeper about your thoughts, you may notice your pattern of ideas, actions, and communication. You can also meet your "unknown" self.
You should be honest and open your heart when you keep your journal.
Tip #6 - Do not amend after writing
You intuitively jot down your thoughts in your journal, and you then think "Maybe this should not be written down", you should not change what you have written.
This reflection is also important to connect your realisation, too. You write what you think instinctively with courage, which leads to trust in yourself.
When you notice "Umm, I feel something different now", you write that process on a new page. You may find unexpected results when you look back at these pages.
Tip #7 - Do not show your journal to anyone
Your journal is a very private and secret space. Please write honestly in your journal in a personal and safe environment.
This is a process to accept, love and believe in yourself.
In conclusion...
Through this exercise, you may notice your different sides of you.
Humans are learning when they get lost and make various decisions. Please believe this process.
In addition to the above, you can arrange your ideas in a relaxed and exciting manner. if you like drawings, you can add your scribbles.
Please be positive about yourself and accept, believe, and understand yourself without pushing too hard. Keeping your journal helps you self-discovery and knowing true self.
Please keep in mind these tips above when you write your journal.
If you need support with homeopathy or flower essences for self-discovery, I can help you.
If you would like to read more about homeopathy, you can read the blogs.
Let's keep a journal and happy self-discovery!
Reference :
Philip Salmon and Anna Jeoffroy (2006) Dr.Bach's Flower Remedies: tapping into the positive emotional qualities of the chakras. Lotus Publishing. California USA.