Sometimes I get asked, "Can I secretly give homeopathic remedies?" There are many reasons and backgrounds for wanting to give remedies to others such as a difficult adolescent child or wanting to give it to your husband. When a child is young, they may do as their mother tells them, but as they grow older, they begin to assert themselves. This blog describes the basics of this topic.
keywords : protection, change you first, frustration, worn out, drained, negative energy, psychic protection, homoepathic remedy for irritation, homeopathic remedy for frustration

#1 - Trusting relationships
If you are a young child, you may be able to take the remedies that your mother or father gives you without question.
However, as adolescent children begin to develop a sense of independence, it is important to respect their wishes. Of course, so do adults.
Even if you give the remedy secretly, it may work. However, mutual trust may be lost when it is discovered that a person has been made to take a remedy without the person's knowledge.
The body may also overreact to the remedy if the person takes the remedy and is not ready to accept the change.
In order to maintain a healthy relationship of mutual trust, we do not recommend administering remedies without respecting the patient's wishes.
The answer to the question is basically "NO". However, if the patient is unable to express his or her wishes due to a life-threatening situation, the patient may be able to accept the administration based on the decision of his or her family.
Fundamentally, the depth of the interpersonal relationship between the person administering the remedy and the person receiving the remedy plays a major role.
#2 - Change yourself first
If you find yourself becoming irritated or impatient with the people around you, we recommend that you start by changing yourself.
Also, if you are very considerate and kind, people may often ask you for advice. Aren't there some of you who are so kind that you listen to other people's complaints and end up getting more stressed out?
For such people, I also recommend that you change yourself first.
This suggests that personal growth and self-improvement should be prioritised before attempting to influence or change those around us. This concept is rooted in the idea that by improving ourselves, we become better equipped to inspire and positively impact others.
Here’s a deeper look at the meaning.
1 - Self-Reflection and Awareness:
Before trying to change others, it's important to reflect on our own behaviours, attitudes, and shortcomings. By understanding our own flaws and working on them, we become more empathetic and better positioned to understand others.
2 - Leading by Example
Actions often speak louder than words. When we make positive changes in our own lives, we can serve as a role model. Others may be inspired to follow suit not because we tell them to change, but because they see the benefits of the changes we've made.
3 - Credibility and Influence
People are more likely to listen to and be influenced by someone who practices what they preach. If you embody the changes you wish to see in others, your advice or guidance carries more weight.
4 - Understanding the Challenges
When you've gone through the process of change yourself, you gain insight into the challenges and resistance that come with it. This understanding can make you more patient and supportive when encouraging others to change.
5 - Avoiding Hypocrisy
Asking others to change while ignoring your own issues can come across as hypocritical and may breed resentment. Changing yourself first can help you avoid this pitfall.
Homeopathy is vibrational therapy. By adjusting your own vibrations using remedies, the way you perceive other people's words and actions will change, and your own feelings will also change. Also, as your own vibration changes, the wavelengths of those around you also change. This is because by changing yourself, you can bring awareness to those around you. Why do I feel the way I feel after taking a remedy that suits my feelings or consulting with a homeopath? One solution is to have the patient choose a remedy from the fundamental point of view and review the thinking pattern.
If you are interested in how a homeopathic consultation can help you transform, please click this button to schedule a free 15-minute consultation.
#3 - Remedy for frustrations and protection
First, try using these remedies according to your feelings.
Humiliation, deep guild and shame. Ailments from shame, punishment, vexation and suppressed anger. Feels trapped. Difficulty resisting others. Feel guilty, reproach themselves.
Nux Vomica
Angry and impatient. Impatient while spoken to, gets angry and violent without any provocation. Nervous and excitable.
Mentally and physically worn out. Weeping worse from consolation. Unhappy married life. Aversion to those loved best, to family. Aversion to sympathy and company. Anger, irritability. Anger from contradiction
Black Tourmaline
This remedy is made from the crystal. It offers psychic protecion to vulnerable people whose sense of inadequacy makes hem targets of unwanted judgemental thinking.
Bursera Grav
It is acquired its other name, Palo Santo (sacred stick), by virtue of its ability to protect people from evil spirits. The Incas are reputed to have burned the wood as incense in order to cleanse people and places on a spiritual level.
Fear of being overwhelmed, of not being able to cope any more with the sheer mass of things needing to be done or with the stress of modern liviing.
Flower Essences
Psychic Protection (Findhorn Flower Essences)
Feel calm and centred by creating a safe space within you and around you. This combination esence can help in detaching from negative thought froms or energies when you feel vulnerable, ot in overwhelming situations or environment.
It is a great protection from psychic attacks. you can try this essence if you feel negtive energies from surroundings.
Fringed Violet (Australian Bush Flower Essence)
This essence helps to keep intact a person's protection, thus blocking off unwanted external energies. it works to repair damage to the aura.
Angelsword (Australian Bush Flower Essence)
It works more on the aura and energy fields as a whole. At the same time it releases any energies that entered while the aura was open. It is useful for someone who is easily drained by negative energies.
If you want to know how to choose potency and dose in homeopathy, please click here.
If you use the above remedies or flower essences and get better, but the same situation keeps repeating, we recommend that you prescribe a custom-made remedy tailored to the root cause. If you are interested in homeopathy or flower essence consultation, please click here to make a reservation.
#4 - Conclusion
Ultimately, the phrase emphasises the importance of self-improvement as a foundation for creating positive change in the world around you. It suggests that genuine transformation begins within.
When we get irritated with the people around us, we tend to turn our focus outward, hoping that the people around us will change our way of thinking, but sometimes we can resolve this by changing ourselves first. It is difficult to change people, but changing yourself is something you can do right away. By taking action today, let's lead to tomorrow's change.

The secret is:
When you are in a negative environment, your focus tends to be on the outside for solutions, but it is also important to change from within yourself.
Changing the environment and external factors requires a considerable amount of energy because it cannot be easily done by one's own will.
Start by focusing on changing your own way of thinking and how you perceive things.
If you are interested in a blog "Taking back to responsibility for your health", please click the button below.
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At Hiroko Homeopathy, we also provide homeopathic consultations tailored to individual conditions.
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Love and gratitude
Bevington. M., (2013) Electromagnetic Sensitivity and Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity A Summary. New Edition. Capability books. London.
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