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Homeopathy for anxiety and worry

Homeopathy is used for trauma, anxiety and worries.

To face your old memories locked inside your body.

keywords: worries, anxiety, panic attack, homeopathy for panic, homeopathy for anxiety, homeopathy for worries, emotional health, grounding, trauma, fight and fright, healing trauma

Since the lockdown in 2020, It has influenced our lives in many ways, to a greater or lesser extent, in terms of our lifestyle patterns and ways of thinking.

Due to the changes in the way we work, such as remote work, we now have more time to reflect on ourselves, breathe new life into our lives, and notice things we didn't before.

Working from home has become a popular choice as it offers flexibility and allows one to spend more time at home. It also provides us with an opportunity to reflect on our lifestyle and make positive changes. We may discover new things during this time.

Due to the lockdown, there has been a significant increase in inquiries about anxiety and worry at pharmacies. Additionally, people have taken this opportunity to consult with me about their anxieties and worries, which have also been on the rise.

It is continued…

At the beginning of the lockdown, there was not much information about the outbreak, and modern medicine was still trying to find a way to respond to the reports on the number of infected people and deaths, as well as the symptoms. Many of you may have felt "anxiety about things you can't see."

Moreover, many people have felt sad because they were unable to witness the last moments of a loved one, such as a family member, or because they were unable to attend the funeral of a loved one.

For some people, an event like this may come as a shock, triggering their emotions and causing symptoms to surface.

#1 Trauma “memories locked in your body”

There are various traumas locked in the body from obvious ones like experienced wars, car accidents, and death of loved ones to hidden ones like repeated suppressed emotions from daily life.

Or some small emotional events accumulate and become memories that are locked inside the body.

As a result, people may experience symptoms such as anxiety, panic, depression, and worry even though they have not had any particularly stimulating experiences.

Sometimes, people don’t have obvious experience, but they start to feel anxiety, panic or depression from little unrecognised emotional patterns.

People gain wisdom through experience and learn how to live their lives so as not to make the same mistakes.

Especially in Japan, there are invisible “rules” called “Sekentei (respectability)”, These are typical rules when you grow up.

"Don’t make other people distressed"

“You must behave with good manners in public”

"Be considerate of others before yourself"

A certain amount of manners and consideration are necessary to live in society, but after coming to England, I came to feel that there is something more to Japan than that.

Invisible trauma is a type of trauma that we experience in our everyday lives when we repeatedly do things that we don’t want to do without even realising it. This happens due to invisible rules such as respectability.

Over time, these actions can have a significant impact on our mental and emotional well-being as they take us away from our true desires and purpose.

#2 When the body's memories respond

When people feel in danger, they change into battle mode and try to protect themselves. On the other hand, some may also feel fear and avoid getting close. Others may "freeze up" out of fear.

When individuals undergo traumatic experiences, some of them are capable of confronting and processing their emotions. Conversely, others are apprehensive about confronting their fears and instead resort to evading their true emotions, such as engaging in excessive drinking or drug use or constantly attending social gatherings.

Anyone does not like facing negative emotions such as “grief”, “anger”, or “loneliness”.

However, repeatedly avoiding true emotions may trigger panic, anxiety, or worry.

For example,

Panic relieves the actual shock from freezing your body activities.

Anxiety is trying to avoid the same traumatic experience.

Worries are preventing the same trauma or hurt.

Some anxious individuals may have an underlying tendency not to trust others. They may need to check everything themselves and cannot rely on others. This feeling of not being in control may stem from “mistrust” and the need to create a safe and secure environment for survival.

When someone invades this safe area, they may be angry as their defence mechanism.

In this case, they may remember the old trauma and be emotional, but at the same time, they experience old trauma in the new form at the present.

Defence reactions from accumulated trauma can cause anxiety and panic, even in seemingly unexpected situations.

When I have consultations with clients, they say “There is no big trauma in my life”, but they suffer from fear or anxiety.

Your body stores small and large traumas and expresses your emotions through physical reactions.

Understanding and resolving trapped body memories is key to healing.

#3 Drawing out of the old trauma and change into the healing

Homeopathy and flower essences can help release trapped emotions and promote healing.

Inner Child Healing or Journey Therapy helps individuals confront past traumas and create positive change to support their healing journey.

Certain individuals may encounter temporary discomfort while undergoing an awareness process. The response to remedies and essences varies from person to person. Even at pharmacies, we sometimes come across customers who report, "I was prescribed a remedy by a homeopath, but I feel uncomfortable and do not like it.”

In this case, we suggest that you discuss this with your homeopath, as it indicates that the homeopath has selected the most appropriate remedy for you.

Many individuals feel relieved and interpret it as a positive response to the remedy.

I am prescribing individualized homoeopathic remedies or flower essences to support the healing journey of specific symptoms.

Although this process is easy to describe, for some people it can be a challenging period. The key is whether the person is ready to accept the process when problems arise.

Some people may feel like giving up midway through, but it is important to remember that this challenge is temporary, not permanent.

In homeopathy, healing progresses from new symptoms to old ones (Law of Cure).

For example, after a person with dermatitis may believe their skin has healed, their previous digestive symptoms may resurface.

If you are suffering from trauma, anxiety, or worry, it is recommended that you seek a detailed consultation with a homeopath.

#4 Homeopathic remedies for anxieties and worries

When feeling stressed or anxious, these remedies can help.

However, it's important to discuss your full medical history with a homeopath if symptoms persist.


The main remedy for shock. it is used not only for mental and emotional shock but also for shock from accidents and injuries. It is good for panic attacks and you can freeze the body after fear or anxiety.

Arg Nit

This remedy is good for anticipation and apprehension. It is good for someone who always thinks “If something happens…”. If you are afraid of airplanes, this is a good remedy. It is also good for someone who worries about mistakes before the presentation.

Arsenicum Album

This remedy is good for someone who is very nervous and a perfectionist or who avoids germs and dirt and is afraid or paranoid of the infection to wash their hands very often. It is also someone restless from the anxiety.

Ambra Grisea

This remedy is for individuals who experience anxiety due to shyness and easily get embarrassed over small things.


This remedy is for someone who is physically, mentally and emotionally weak or lethargic from apprehension or bad news. It is used for someone anxious from a presentation or stage fright.


This is a great grounding remedy for shock, anxiety or worries which calms you down. It supports you with patience and recovery when you have unavoidable stress.


When nursing loved ones leads you to worry about other's health. Very sympathetic to others.


A constant fear of breaking down under stress fear of failure, public speaking, as well as stage fright, cause great anxiety in the pit of the stomach.


Anticipation of something that might overwhelm you, feeling restless and anxious but unable to articulate.

You can also use these flower essences for anxiety.

Crowea (Bush Flower Essences)

This essence is suitable for individuals experiencing severe anxiety, as well as those with stomach issues resulting from worry or stress.

Emergency Essence (Bush Flower Essence)

This combination essence is for shock, anxiety, or worry. It can be useful before an exam, a work presentation, or a sudden shock caused by an accident or injury.

Rescue Remedy or Five Flower Essence (Bach Flower Essence)

Bach Flower version of the above Emergency Flower Essence. This is also made from a combination of Bach Flowers and is used in the same way, when you have severe anxiety or worry. It can be used before an exam, before a work presentation, or for a sudden shock.


For stabilising your emotions and easing anxiety and worries, it is a good habit to do “grounding” as close to nature or walking barefoot which helps you earth the energy from your head down to the feet. These techniques help your body resonate with natural rhythm and calm you down.

Deep breathing can help you to calm down.

You can add these grounding approaches to your daily life.

If you still repeat anxiety, fear or worries, and are interested in the natural way of healing, you can chat with me in a 15-minute free consultation.

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Love and gratitude



I.Smith. (2019) Moving Beyond Trauma. Lioncrest Publishers. Great Britain

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