Constipation sometimes occurs in everyday life. You might be so busy that you miss the time to go to the bathroom, eat something different than usual, or something that happens while you're on a trip...
In this blog, we will talk about constipation and homeopathy.
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Constipation occurs when the colon moves slowly and absorbs more water than normal. This condition causes the stool to become hard and condensed, making it even more difficult to pass it out of the body. If this condition continues for a long time, toxins that should be excreted from the body are not released, resulting in hormonal imbalance and intestinal bacterial imbalance.

#1 - Main causes
Although the frequency of bowel movements varies from person to person, constipation is defined as when bowel movements occur less than three times a week.
Constipation is divided into functional and structural constipation, and functional constipation is divided into four types.
Functional Constipation
#1 - Diet-induced Constipation
Constipation is caused by less stimulation of the intestinal tract due to a diet low in fibre, a diet high in processed foods, or eating too little.
As a countermeasure, eat regularly and include plenty of vegetables and fruits high in fibre in your diet.
#2 - Habitual Constipation
Constipation is caused by repeated suppression of the urge to defecate due to misuse or abuse of laxatives or enemas. Constipation occurs because rectal sensitivity decreases, making it difficult for the rectum to respond to faecal matter, making it difficult to feel the urge to defecate.
As a countermeasure, eat regularly and include plenty of vegetables and fruits high in fiber in your diet.
#3 -Atonic Constipation
Constipation is caused by decreased tone and slowed movement of the large intestine.
The passage of intestinal contents is delayed, resulting in excessive absorption of water, resulting in hard stools and constipation. It occurs due to the weakening of abdominal muscles and is especially common among the elderly, people in long-term care, women after giving birth, and people who spend a lot of time sitting still at a desk.
As a countermeasure, incorporate a diet high in fibre and moderate exercise.
#4 - Spasmodic Constipation
It is caused by stress and imbalance of the autonomic nervous system, especially overstress of the parasympathetic nervous system, and in some people, diarrhea and constipation occur alternately. Constipation is caused by spasms and narrowing of the colon, which obstructs the passage of stool and takes longer for stool to reach the rectum.
As a countermeasure, try not to put too much stress on your mental health and live a relaxed life. Avoid spicy and strong foods.
Structural Constipation
Constipation is caused by structural change by illness in intestinal lesions such as Crohn's disease, Intestinal occlusion and Cancer.
Overall, the main cause of constipation is
Lack of dietary fibre: A common cause of constipation. Make sure to consume vegetables, fruits, and unrefined grains such as brown rice.
Dehydration: Drinking water softens stools and makes them easier to pass out of the body.
Lack of exercise
Drug side effects
IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
During pregnancy: due to hormonal changes and pressure in the abdomen
Old age: As we get older, the movement of the large intestine begins to slow down.
Overuse of laxatives: Because you become used to the medicine, your bowel movements become sluggish and the balance is disrupted.
Cancer: Cancer in the intestines can cause diarrhoea or constipation, weight loss, and blood or mucus in the stool.
Functional constipation can be significantly improved by changing your eating habits and lifestyle, but you may also want to try using the following remedies.
In the case of structural constipation, the following remedies can also be used depending on the symptoms.
However, it is recommended that you consult a homeopath taking into consideration the selection of homoeopathic remedies based on the underlying cause of the symptoms.
#2 - Emotion and constipation
Temporary constipation may occur due to a change in your daily habits or food during a trip, but when it comes to long-term constipation, the relationship with emotions is also a concern. In my previous blog, ``Causes of Disease,'' I write about the relationship between symptoms and emotions.
I will also touch on the relationship between constipation and emotions, as the saying goes, ``Illness comes from the mind.''
It is said that ``excretion'' is related to events that occurred in childhood, and children mainly respond in two ways to their parents who have strict control over them. One is whether to refuse or accept the food offered. Or refuse or accept to excrete it.
It is said that passing a stool is, in a sense, ``surrender'', and that constipation is an expression of the feeling that ``you have power'' by keeping your stool.
Over time, parents become involved, along with other influencers such as bosses and partners. Constipation is said to be associated with feeling powerless and fearing powerful people. It is also said to occur when you don't feel safe or calm, such as when it comes to relationships, love, finances, or traveling to an unknown place.
Tighten your anal sphincter muscles, hold back your fear or anger, and the emotion stays there. Constipation suppresses these feelings because we are so busy with our schedules that we don't have time to sit and think properly.
Don't misrepresent your emotions, express them properly, and once you've expressed them, release them. Constipation is a sign of not being able to express yourself or release your subconscious rejection, and it is said that not passing stool due to constipation means that you have power, which leads to a sense of security.
#3 - How to release your emotion?
From the above information, can you recognise the feelings that are associated with constipation?
"Will the people be happy if I do this?" You tried to please others. However, you are not treated the same way from others.
You've had the experience of expressing your emotions you then felt being rejected, since then you are afraid to express them.
Have you ever had such irrational feelings that you felt like crying?
If you have a pattern like that, you can start by expressing yourself honestly each time. By expressing yourself, others can understand that you don't want this person to do this to you. If you don't express yourself, others will continue to push your personal boundaries and say, "It's OK to do this.''
Try to create a situation where you can express your feelings, be understood by the other person, and be healthy and honest with yourself. It may be awkward at first to suddenly express emotions that you've been suppressing for a long time. But that's also a lesson. Try to find a method that makes you feel comfortable. If you can't express your feelings well, start by practicing writing and releasing your feelings outside of your body. In my blog "Let's keep a journal,'' I write about tips on how to keep a journal.
#4 - Commonly used remedies for constipation
The following are commonly used remedies for temporary constipation.
Ambra Grisea
Where you go out or if it's a public restroom or a restroom you're not used to, you'll be too embarrassed to go. In the case of children, they may feel uncomfortable when passing stool (it feels like a part of their body is coming out), and they may be afraid to do so. The person could be shy and get embarrassed easily.
At your travel destination. When your travel schedule is packed and you keep missing the timing. Hard, dry, lumpy stools that are very difficult to pass. You don't feel the urge to defecate at all, or your rectum area hurts or itches.
Baryta Carb
When constipated with hard, knotty stools. They are more shy than the Calc Carb types.
Calc Carb
Bowel movements are slow. If anything, constipation is more soothing. Stools are large and hard.
The constipation is so severe that it feels like hemorrhoids are forming, the pain is severe, and there may be bleeding. For persistent constipation during pregnancy. Also when you have hemorrhoids due to constipation. My anus feels like it's being abraded and the pain remains even after passing stool. Constipation may also be accompanied by a feeling of a dropping stomach.
It's hard and small, and youfeel like you can get more out, but you can't get it out completely. You feel bloated and have a lot of gas. Foul-smelling gas and bloating. You feel tired especially in the afternoon.
Nat Mur
Hard, dry, non-solid stools, or only small, lumpy stools that come out no matter how hard you strain. The above symptoms occur before menstruation. If you are sensitive to gluten, you may experience heartburn, nausea, bloating, uneven appetite, or feel tired.
Nux Vomica
You have the urge to defecate, but it just doesn't come out. Even when you went to the bathroom to let it out, it wouldn't come out. If the above conditions worsen, especially after taking laxatives. You feel stuck and I'm irritated The above symptoms occur before menstruation
When you have very stubborn constipation and you don't feel like your stool is moving at all.
You feel a weight around your rectum and you feel tired and irritated. The symptoms occur before menstruation.
Your rectum feels numb. When the stool seems to come out, but then goes back in. No matter how hard you push, you end up with soft stools and end up feeling exhausted.
If you are pregnant, please check with your homeopath how to use this remedy.
Small, hard, dry stools. Sometimes diarrhea and constipation alternate. Children, especially, may be afraid of pain and may not want to pass stool.
These remedies are for temporary constipation. In the case of chronic constipation, there may be a deep relationship with lifestyle and emotions as mentioned above. If you have tried these remedies and still experience recurring constipation, it is recommended that you consult a homeopath.
#5 Conclusions …
If your problem is simple constipation, try using the above remedies for self-prescribing. However, you have chronic constipation with if you suspect that you have a major illness such as colon cancer or Crohn's disease, if your symptoms persist or if you think something is wrong, please consult your doctor immediately.
If you want to know how to choose potency and dose in homeopathy, please click here.
What is acute and chronic prescribing? You can read this blog.
Happy using homeopathy.
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Reference :
Your Body Speaks Your Mind, Deb Shapiro. Piatkus Books Reprinted 2008
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